Master of Arts in Buddhist Studies
(MA, 44 credits) Required Courses

Maitripa College faculty and staff are committed to periodic review and revision of this curriculum in light of new findings and methods in the fields of study, feedback from alumni and professionals, and faculty expertise. Maitripa College does not guarantee all courses will be offered as listed in the coming years. An individual student’s course of study will vary according to concentrations, language studies, pace of study, and elective options.

For more information, please see your academic advisor or contact us at   To download a PDF version of the following information, click here.


Required: 6 courses (12 credits)

PHL301           Introduction to Buddhist Thought
PHL302           Foundations of Buddhist Thought: The Medium and Great Scope
PHL303           Madhyamaka Philosophy: Where is the Middle Way? or
PHL307           Madhyamaka Buddhist Philosophy: India to Tibet
PHL304           Madhayamaka Philosophy: A Dose of Emptiness or
PHL308           Mahamudra: Realizing the Nature of Mind
HIS301            History of Buddhist Thought in India and Tibet
PHL450           Theories and Methods in Buddhist Studies

Required: 2 courses (4 credits)

PHL404           Fundamentals of the Vajra Vehicle
THL410          Buddhist Rituals, Ethics, Services, and Ceremonies
THL320          Contemporary Buddhist Thought and Theology
THL305          Socially Engaged Buddhism or
Special topics on race, women, death and dying, etc.


Required: 4 courses (8 credits)

MDT301         Introduction to Buddhist Meditation
MDT302         Techniques of Buddhist Meditation: The Medium and Great Scope
MDT303         Techniques of Meditation: Madhyamaka or
MDT307         Madhyamaka Buddhist Meditation: Lineage of India into Tibet
MDT304         Madhyamaka Meditation: Preparation for Vajrayana or
MDT308         Techniques of Meditation: Mahamudra


Required: 4 courses (8 credits)

CS301 Foundations of Buddhist Service
CS302 Finding Your voice: Communication and Context
CS303 Chaplaincy and Models of Spiritual Care
CS304 Servant Leadership in Buddhist/Spiritual Communities


Required: 2 courses (4 credits)

ARP502          Action Research Project I
ARP504          Action Research Project II

OPTION TIBETAN TRACK: Classical Tibetan Language Course Group

Required: 2 courses (4 credits)

Graduate students in the Tibetan Track MA program are required to complete a minimum of four credits in Classical Tibetan language on-site at Maitripa College; the exact courses to meet the minimum may vary depending on prior study or availability of the student for summer enrollment. Students with interest in doctoral studies, translation, and practice and philosophic texts are encouraged to take as many credit hours as possible, with both Western and Tibetan teachers.

TIB101            Introduction to Classical Tibetan Language I (2 credits)
TIB102            Introduction to Classical Tibetan Language II (2 credits)
TIB108            Classical Tibetan Language Course Summer Intensive (4 credits)
TIB201            Intermediate Classical Tibetan Language I (2 credits)
TIB202            Intermediate Classical Tibetan Language II (2 credits)
TIB301r          Seminar in Tibetan Translation (2 credits)

OPTION EDUCATION TRACK: Education Course Group

Required: two courses (4 credits)

Graduate students in the Education Track MA program are required to complete a minimum of four credits in Education on-site at Maitripa College. Key components of the curriculum include:

  • Foundations of Buddhist Studies
  • Foundations of Buddhist Meditation and Contemplative Practices
  • Stages of Human Development: Learning, Teaching, and Faith
  • Educational Theory and Practice
  • Buddhist Ethics and Values
  • Instructional Strategies and Models
  • Curriculum Development
  • Educational Leadership
  • Research in Education

ED310       Stages of Human Development: Learning, Teaching, and Faith

GENERAL ELECTIVES and Curricular Planning

Students may select non-required courses from the course catalogue and new courses as they are offered to build specific competencies or concentrations of study according to their educational interests and goals. Students are advised to consider both breadth and depth of training, as well as requirements or expectations for post-graduate needs. The number of total electives is variable, and students are advised to generate an individual plan with their advisors.