In honor of Maitripa College’s respect and devotion, and our strong affiliation with the Foundation for the Preservation of the Mahayana Tradition (FPMT), we are pleased to name this honorary chair in respect to Kyabje Lama Zopa Rinpoche.

An endowed chair is a distinction awarded by the College to a scholar or teacher in recognition of past and potential contributions to the individual’s academic discipline. In addition to the academic honor given to the individual, an endowed chair or professorship provides funding for support of his or her teaching, research, and service responsibilities, and is supported by income from an endowment fund. Payout may also be used to support the base salary of the endowed chair or professorship.

This endowed professorship will be the highest academic honor bestowed upon a permanent member of the Buddhist Studies faculty at Maitripa College, and will ensure that Buddhist Studies remains at the core of our curriculum. The income from this endowed professorship will contribute to providing salary and benefits to the chosen faculty member, and will provide increased financial stability for the College, allowing us to continue to attract outstanding educators into the future.

Donors interested in contributing to this Endowment will be making a gift that provides a lasting, living, long-term contribution to Maitripa College, helping to strengthen our core mission and vision, and securing the stability of Buddhist Studies for generations to come.

Our investment goal for the Endowed Chair is $2.5 million dollars, which will allow for a sustainable annual income allocation for the endowed Professor. Our current fundraising status for the Chair is at approximately $500,000, for which we are so grateful. If you are interested in helping establish this incredible Chair, please contact us.