SAVE THE DATES! We are honored to announce that Maitripa College will host Geshe Yeshe Thabkhe this spring, teaching on the 7-Point Mind Training on May 23-24, as well as a Intrafaith Seminar: The Heart Sutra on May 25. Watch for registration announcements and join us for this precious opportunity.
Maitripa College offers a Master of Arts in Buddhist Studies, a Master of Divinity Degree, Continuing Education courses, and community programming. Founded upon the three pillars of scholarship, meditation, and service, our contemplative learning curriculum combines modern academic and traditional Tibetan Buddhist disciplines. Students thrive in a supportive community, developing the personal qualities of a good heart, tolerance, and joy, as well as professional skills to become agents of positive change in the world.
Make Your Practice Your Life with a Maitripa College Education!
All within the framework of a dynamic, loving community that provides social connections, friendship, and practical and emotional support for daily life on the basis of the scaffolding of the Tibetan Buddhist teachings:
The three educational pillars of Maitripa College — SCHOLARSHIP, MEDITATION, and SERVICE — embody the extrinsic study of Buddhist thought, the internal exploration of Buddhist practice, and the activity that results from the integration of these. —Yangsi Rinpoche, Maitripa College President