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Join us for the first talk launching a new Buddhist Scholar-Practitioner Speaker Series! We are excited to welcome Patrick Lambelet, PhD to discuss Atiśa’s tantric “songs” and works that newly reveal his complex role in the history of Tibetan Buddhism. Atiśa is famously known as a major figure in the transmission of Buddhism to Tibet, seeding the unique development of the bodhisattva path there. However, his numerous and lesser-known writings on Vajrayāna and Mahāmudrā show his close connection to the esoteric writings of mahāsiddhas, offer commentary on controversial traditions, and espouse unexpected views of emptiness. Join us for the first talk in this new series, to discuss Atiśa’s tantric “songs” and works that newly reveal his complex role in the history of Tibetan Buddhism.

Open to all; registration required for both in-person and online attendance:

More About Atiśa

Atiśa Dīpaṃkara Śrījñāna (982–1054) was one of the main figures in the later dissemination of Buddhism in Tibet (tenpa chidar), as well as a major influence on the Geluk school, nearly four centuries later, who saw him as a “reformer” of Buddhism. Atiśa is primarily known for works such as the Lamp for the Path to Enlightenment (Bodhipathapradīpa), the prototype for later works on the stages of the path to enlightenment (lam rim), as well as his many writings on other topics related to the bodhisattva path. Less known, however, are Atiśa’s numerous writings on Vajrayāna (the tantric vehicle) and Mahāmudrā (the great seal), in which he showed his affinity for, and close connection to, the esoteric writings of mahāsiddhas such as Saraha. In such works, Atiśa commented on tantric traditions that were widely controversial in Tibet, while also espousing views of emptiness that contrast with later (especially Geluk) interpretations of Madhyamaka.


February 26
5:00 pm - 6:30 pm
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Maitripa College
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Maitripa College
1119 SE Market St.
Portland, OR 97214 United States
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