“Integrating the Heart Sutra: Meditating on Emptiness” with Yangsi Rinpoche

In this episode of the Maitripa College Podcast, “Integrating the Heart Sutra: Meditating on Emptiness”, Rinpoche offers an approach to meditation on emptiness that reveals how to feel a healthy sense of self. Rather than “redecorating” our mediation, Rinpoche advises to “clean up” our practice through allowing our fundamental nature to arise. In this case, non-action, patience, acceptance, and allowing can put us in touch with our Buddhanature.

Yangsi Rinpoche, Geshe Lharampa & President of Maitripa College

Yangsi Rinpoche was recognized as the reincarnation of Geshe Ngawang Gendun, a renowned scholar and practitioner from Western Tibet, at the age of six. Rinpoche trained in the traditional monastic system for over 25 years, and practiced as a monk until the age of 35. In 1995 he graduated with the highest degree of Geshe Lharampa from Sera Je Monastery in South India. He then completed his studies at Gyume Tantric College, and, in 1998, having the particular wish to benefit Western students of the Buddhadharma, Rinpoche came to the West to teach and travel extensively throughout America and Europe.

Rinpoche served as a resident teacher at Deer Park Buddhist Center in Madison, Wisconsin for five years, and is currently the Spiritual Director of Ganden Shedrup Ling Buddhist Center in San Juan, Puerto Rico, and of Dharma Friendship Foundation in Seattle, Washington. He founded Maitripa College in 2005 in Portland, Oregon, where he currently serves as President and member of the faculty. Rinpoche is the author of Practicing the Path: A Commentary on the Lamrim Chenmo (2003 Wisdom Publications). Rinpoche teaches in English, and is admired wherever he travels for his unique presentation of the Dharma, his interest in and enthusiasm for Western culture, and his evident embodiment of the wisdom and compassion of the Buddhist path. When not in the classroom at Maitripa College, during academic year breaks and for special events, Yangsi Rinpoche travels widely, representing Maitripa College at conferences and giving teachings around the world. >more