June 1 – 11 (1 credit; residential)
MDT510 The Great Seal: Mahamudra Retreat with Yangsi Rinpoche
Supported by Ven. Lozang Yönten and Dr. Namdrol Adams
This is a strict residential retreat for a limited number of experienced students; registration is by application only.
NOTE: Application is now closed for this retreat.
June 11-Aug 2 (8 weeks) – 6 – 8 pm Pacific Daylight Time: PDT (UTC-07:00)
Tuesday Evenings
THL340: Introduction to Contemplative Education (1 credit) with Dr. Namdrol Adams
In-person and online synchronous attendance. Students must be in Oregon to take the course for credit. Appropriate for both new and returning students.
June 11-Aug 2 (8 weeks)
Wednesday Evenings – 6 – 8 pm Pacific Daylight Time: PDT (UTC-07:00)
THL350: Introduction to Buddhist Chaplaincy (1 credit) with Dr. Leigh Miller
In-person and online synchronous attendance. Students must be in Oregon to take the course for credit. Appropriate for both new and returning students.