Patty Winter, RN, and Gregg Ruskusky are Zen and Tibetan Buddhist professionals who draw upon their combined experiences as a nurse, Hospice caregiver, cancer survivor, and meditation instructors to guide explorations of our relationships to death and dying through story, creativity, meditation, and traditional Buddhist and Western psychological perspectives.

Patty Winter

Patty Winter, RN, CHPN, is an End-of-Life Care Practitioner at the Mercy Medical Center/Mercy Hospice in Roseburg, OR. She is a graduate of the Metta Institute’s End-of-Life Practitioner Program, and she regularly offers trainings to health care professionals at nursing homes and assisted living facilities.

Gregg Ruskusky

Gregg Ruskrusky, inspired by his own experience surviving cancer, became a Wellness Coach with a holistic approach, and he has co-facilitated several workshops on death and dying.