This year, Maitripa College enters its 18th year of operation. Since our founding in 2005, we have seen many triumphs and equally as many losses. We, alongside all of you, have lived through economic catastrophe, political upheaval, and a global pandemic, along with the recent loss of two of our precious teachers.

And still, even amidst such great loss, the heart of Maitripa continues to beat on, and we close another year of educating others through scholarship, meditation, and service, deeply inspired by the examples of our teachers, joyful, and with courage. Please join us this year to CELEBRATE RESILIENCE – help us raise $35,000 this season, to make up part of the deficit of the year.


Maitripa College is committed to responsible and ethical financial stewardship. Maitripa College is a non-profit organization under 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. All contributions are tax-deductible within the extent of the law.