Welcome! This page was designed by two long-time students of FPMT, who are also connected to Maitripa College, to serve as a connection point for anyone who is interested in serving FPMT and especially in fulfilling the wishes of our teacher Lama Zopa Rinpoche in this way. If you have a strong, authentic aspiration and motivation to share the Buddhadharma with sentient beings as a Registered FPMT Teacher, this page and information is for you!

What follows is a SUMMARY of the requirements to become a Registered FPMT Teacher, including two pieces that are specific to Maitripa College (indicated by a *). Full details and nuances of these requirements must be obtained from your Center Director, SPC, or the Lead Administrator in your center.


One of the ways in which one may become a Registered FPMT Teacher is by completing the Master of Arts in Buddhist Studies at Maitripa College. This is a 44-credit academic degree program focused on traditional Buddhist Studies. At present, there are two degree tracks for this program: the Tibetan language track and the Contemplative Education track. Please see the Maitripa College website section that provides the details of the coursework required for the degree (click here).  Completing this degree provides you with the necessary educational background you will need to be an effective teacher.

Please note that there are other education programs outside of Maitripa College that you may complete that will also qualify you to become a Registered FPMT Teacher. These include: FPMT Discovering Buddhism; FPMT Basic Program; and the FPMT Master’s Program. Please see the FPMT website for more information about these programs and how you may access them.   


The practice requirements are designed to help prepare you spiritually for the tasks and duties of a Registered FPMT Teacher. These practices emphasize merit making and purifying past negative karma. Here is a list of the practices you will need to complete: 100,000 full prostrations; 100,000 recitations of the 100 Syllable Mantra of Vajrasattva; and/or Nyung Nay practice. You will need to keep an accurate count of these practices. You will be required to provide a formal written accurate count of these practices to the FPMT Teacher Support Office. Full details and nuances of these requirements must be obtained from your Center Director, SPC, or the Lead Administrator in your center.


As a Registered FPMT Teacher, you will have a very important responsibility to behave kindly, compassionately, and ethically with your students, your colleagues, and the administrative staff of the FPMT Center where you practice. One of your roles as teacher is to provide an example of the behavior you are teaching. You must “practice what you preach.”  You will be required to follow the Registered FPMT Teacher Ethics Code. This Code of Ethics may be studied and reviewed here (click here). Full details and nuances of these requirements must be obtained from your Center Director, SPC, or the Lead Administrator in your center.

Training in Pedagogy, Ritual, and Basic Community Care*

Pedagogical training, training in ritual, and training in community care ensure that a Buddhist spiritual teacher can holistically support students’ spiritual journeys and the community’s overall health and vitality. This training will be offered at Maitripa College in a low-residency format beginning in Summer 2025. If you are interested, please contact Namdrol at education@maitripa.org. *Specific to Maitripa College Pathway to FPMT Teacher Training.


One of the effective ways in which to learn about effective teaching in this context is to have a kind, compassionate, knowledgeable, generous, dedicated, and skillful mentor. While this is not a formal requirement for becoming a Registered FPMT Teacher, you are strongly encouraged to connect with and become committed to a healthy mentoring relationship with a senior Registered FPMT Teacher. Maitripa College can help by connecting you in this way; if you are interested please contact Namdrol at education@maitripa.org for more information and assistance with obtaining a mentor. Full details and nuances of these requirements must be obtained from your Center Director, SPC, or the Lead Administrator in your center. *Specific to Maitripa College Pathway to FPMT Teacher Training.


You will need three (3) written recommendations from individuals who are familiar with you, your spiritual practice, and your qualifications to become a Registered FPMT Teacher. These will be submitted along with your application to the FPMT Teacher Support Office. Full details and nuances of these requirements must be obtained from your Center Director, SPC, or the Lead Administrator in your center.


Formal written application to become an FPMT Registered Teacher must be made through the FPMT Teacher Support Office. You will need to contact your Center Director, SPC, or the Lead Administrator in your center to obtain the necessary information and paperwork to accomplish this task.

The following bibliography is provided for you for additional reading and research, as needed: 


A View on Buddhism:  A Spiritual Teacher. https://viewonbuddhism.org/spiritual_teacher_guru.html

Alexander Berzin (2000). Relating to a Spiritual Teacher:  Building a Healthy Relationship. Ithaca:  Snow Lion.

Alexander Berzin (2000). Wise Teacher Wise Student:  Tibetan Approaches to a Healthy Relationship. Ithaca, New York:  Snow Lion Publications.

Chopra, V. and Saint, S. (2017). 6 Things Every Mentor Should Do. Harvard Business Review. Accessed on 24 February 2024.

Cuesta, George M. (2024). The Qualities, Practices, and Skills of a Registered FPMT Teacher. Action Research Project. Maitripa College:  Portland, Oregon.

Cuesta, George M. (2024). What are the Benefits of Establishing and Implementing a Formal Mentoring Program for FPMT Registered Teachers and for those who aspire to be FPMT Registered Teachers?  CS302:  Finding Your Voice:  Communication and Context. Final Finding My Voice Project. Maitripa College:  Portland, Oregon.

FPMT Discovering Buddhism. fpmt.org

FPMT Basic Program. fpmt.org

FPMT Master’s Program. fpmt.org

His Holiness the Dalai Lama. Illuminating the Path to Enlightenment. https://www.lamayeshe.com/article/chapter/chapter-three-relying-spirtual-teacher

Like Nectar on Flowers:  The Selfless Service of FPMT Registered Teachers. Mandala Magazine, July-September 2010.

Maitreya, Ornament of Mahayana Sutras, XVII, 10. Ten Qualifications of a Spiritual Teacher. https://www.rigpawiki.org/index.php?title=Ten_qualifications_of_a_spiritual_teacher

Master of Arts in Buddhist Studies. maitripa.org

Teaching a Good Heart:  FPMT Registered Teachers. Mandala Magazine, July-September 2012.

Venerable Rene Feusi (December 2010). Advice Regarding Spiritual Teachers. Edited by Kendall Magnussen with input from FPMT International Office staff, January 2011.