Community at Maitripa College has its roots in the traditional Buddhist definition of sangha (gendun in Tibetan), referring to the community of companions who offer support and friendship on the spiritual path. At Maitripa College, we view the interaction and relationship with the community as a major condition for the learning that happens here on all levels. Our community is comprised of degree program students, continuing education students, longtime practitioners, local meditators, the mildly curious, and the truly devout. Our values are loving-kindness, harmony, and a good intention. All are welcome! Please click here to read about the Maitripa College plans and policies regarding children at community events and in our public spaces.
SAVE THE DATES! We are honored to announce that Maitripa College will host Geshe Yeshe Thabkhe this spring, teaching on the 7-Point Mind Training on May 23-24, as well as a Intrafaith Seminar: The Heart Sutra on May 25. Watch for registration announcements and join us for this precious opportunity.