CATALOG: Search Resources  

Resource Type

search all materials or limit to books, DVDs, CDs, periodicals, audio cassettes, video cassettes, collections

  • “collections” include series titles and one called Course Texts, which are all titles on past and current course booklists — select collections in resource types and type “course” or “course texts” in search bar — select Course Texts to see a list of titles


search “all fields,” or your limit the search to title, author, subject, call number, or barcode

  • “all fields” includes title, author/creator, and subject fields
  • to search by barcode include all 8 digits, ex. 00003559
  • search the first part of a call number (up to the decimal, ex. BQ7935, BQ7805) to find other titles in the same section

Exact Match vs Fuzzy Searching

default searches are fuzzy (broadening searches to similarly spelled and sounding words), to account for spelling inconsistencies and typos –  check the Exact Match box to limit search to exactly as typed

Advanced Search Options

advanced search tips and features are linked directly under search bar via “read about advanced search options” link

CATALOG : Subjects

The subjects tab allows browsing of all subject headings in the collection. Each subject heading links to all resources assigned that subject heading.

Catalog Records

Within a catalog record there are three fields (Creator / Author, Publisher, Subject) which will link to other records by or about that person or topic. If you find a subject heading that is relevant to your search, browse in the Subject section to see if there are broader or more specific subject headings related to that heading.

The catalog record for each title will show

  1. Material type (book, cd, dvd, periodical)
  2. Available / Unavailable (checked-out)
  3. Location:
    1. Circulation desk
    2. Faculty publications
    3. Lama Yeshe Wisdom Archive
    4. Main stacks
    5. Oversize
    6. Prayers, practices, pujas
    7. Reserve
    8. Tibetan

In the catalog record you can place a hold, make a recommendation and leave a review. You must be logged on to Populi to place a holds, and view or write reviews and recommendations.


Library profiles are separate from Populi account profiles, in order to maintain confidentiality and privacy with your Populi account information. You must be logged in to access your profile. To update your contact information, click on your name to switch to your main Populi account.


  • see all items currently checked out to you
  • see returned items / circulation history
  • see overdue items (overdue notices are emailed and will also appear as alerts in your main profile)
  • contact info (to update, return to your Populi account profile and changes will be reflected here)
  • see pending holds
  • place a hold by clicking the Place a Hold Button in the catalog record for that title
  • you will receive an email letting you know when it is ready for pick-up


Here you can see all of your recommendations and reviews.