Maitripa Institute official opening is celebrated at our temporary location in space offered by the Tibetan Cultural Center, Portland, OR


1,000 Arm Chenrezig arrives, an auspicious offering from a generous benefactor


Maitripa Institute moves into our new space in the FPMT International Building, Portland, Oregon and classes begin

The Relic Tour blesses us with a visit

Geshe Sopa, Director of Deer Park Buddhist Center in Madison, Wisconsin, teaches on the classic Buddhist text, the Heart Sutra and Gyume Khensur Rinpoche, former abbot of Gyume Tantric College in South India, bestows public teachings and classroom lectures to the first group of Maitripa Institute students

Lama Zopa Rinpoche blesses the new space and gives teachings and empowerments during two different visits in the founding months and the students offer a Long Life puja

Khensur Rinpoche and Geshe Tenzin Dorje bless the Jokhang Meditation Hall and visit the summer Mahamudra Retreat for a special empowerment

The Jokhang Meditation Hall takes shape: the Lama Yeshe statue is prepared and installed, the King Songston Gampo statue arrives and is placed, and the Kangyur and Tengyur (texts) are moved into the Jokhang

Visiting teachers over the first months include Anne Klein, PhD; Jeffrey Hopkins, PhD; Jose Cabezon, PhD; and Ven. Robina Courtin

Mahamudra 10-Day residential retreat


The first months are celebrated with 2 special gatherings to support the vision: “From Mount Hood to Buddhahood” prayer flag practice and dinner and the first Winter Benefit Gala

Community events include a Winter Holiday Party, Annual Picnic, and Spring Volunteer Appreciation Dinner