If you live in – or plan to visit – the Portland, Oregon area and have an interest in Tibetan Buddhism, Buddhist scholarship, or meditation, please attend one of our events, take a class, or contact us to arrange a visit (phone or use the email form link on this page). We look forward to hearing from you!


1119 SE Market St.
(cross street SE 11th,
3 blocks south of Hawthorne)
Portland, Oregon 97214

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+ Extensions As Follows:
Student Services: x 7005
Public Programs: x 7002
Library: x 7008

Major Emails:

General Information: info@maitripa.org

Public Programs: program@maitripa.org

Chaplain: l.yonten@maitripa.org

Dean of Education:  education@maitripa.org

Registrar: registrar@maitripa.org

Library: library@maitripa.org

Student Services: studentservices@maitripa.org

Volunteer: volunteer@maitripa.org