Tenzin Drolma was born in Chicago, US, in 1961.  She received her undergraduate degree in religious studies, philosophy and psychology.  She has graduate degrees in Counseling Psychology from the University of Denver and in Buddhist Studies from Maitripa College.  For 25 years she worked in the mental health field.

Ven. Drolma was ordained as a nun in the Tibetan tradition in 2009. She moved to Vajrapani Institute and was resident sangha and assistant SPC for four years. From 2015 until 2022, she taught Introduction to Buddhism at Tushita Meditation Centre in India.

Ven. Drolma’s teaching style includes the psychological aspects of Buddhism and she has been described as a very approachable teacher.  While strongly based in the tradition of the Gelukpa school, her teaching emphasizes those aspects most helpful to modern students.