Lhabab Duchen Puja with Venerable Lozang Yönten
11/22/2024 @ 3:15 pm - 4:30 pm
Tibetan Buddhists celebrate a handful of holidays each year when the Buddha and lineage masters performed miracles, taught the Dharma, and were of great benefit to others.
Join in the observance of one of these special days – Lhabab Duchen (Buddha’s Descent from Tushita Heaven) by doing Shakyamuni Buddha Puja with us, led by Venerable Lozang Yönten, on Friday, November 22
No registration necessary for in-person attendance; join by Zoom online via link below.
More About Lhabab Duchen
One of the four great holy days in the Tibetan calendar, Lhabab Duchen marks the anniversary of Shakyamuni Buddha’s return to Earth after spending three months in the god realms teaching Dharma to his mother. Lord Buddha’s return was a time of rejoicing for his disciples and is one of the four main Buddhist festivals commemorating special events in the life of Shakyamuni Buddha. In the Tibetan tradition it’s a day for making prayers and practicing virtue as all merit created on this special day is multiplied 100 million times.
Please click here to learn more about this day and for advice on individual practices you can do at home: https://fpmt.org/charitable-activities/projects/retreats-and-practices/pf-news/imagine-hundreds-of-millions-of-pujas-and-practices-to-benefit-all-beings/