Most courses at Maitripa College will require readings provided as PDF via each courses’ Populi Classroom site, or from the texts listed below. Instructors have provided the following list of books that students will be required to obtain, either by purchase or borrow from a library. The course syllabus is the authoritative source of information, as readings may be changed, and not all courses are listed here. At least one copy of all required books is held in the Course Reserve shelves of the library, available for two-hour, on-site circulation. If additional copies are in our collection, they are available for circulation.

2024 Fall Booklist

CS301: Foundations of Buddhist Service

  • Loy, David. 2010. The World is Made of Stories. Wisdom. JABL
  • Nhất Hạnh, Thich. 2011. You Are Here: Discovering the Magic of the Present Moment. Shambhala. JABL
  • Any autobiography (or biography, but autobiography is more inspiring!) of the Dalai Lama.

CS303: Models of Chaplaincy and Buddhist Spiritual Care

  • Cadge, Wendy and Shelly Rambo, eds. 2022. Chaplaincy and Spiritual Care in the Twenty-First Century: An Introduction. The University of North Carolina Press. JABL
  • Giles, Cheryl and Willa Miller, eds.2012. The Arts of Contemplative Care: Pioneering Voices in Buddhist Chaplaincy and Pastoral Work. Wisdom Publications. JABL
  • Michon, Nathan, ed. 2023. Refuge in the Storm: Buddhist Voices in Crisis Care. North Atlantic Books. JABL
  • Sanford, Monica. 2020. Kalyāṇamitra: A Model for Buddhist Spiritual Care.  Sumeru Press. JABL

ED310: Buddhist Education – Stages of Human Development: Learning, Teaching, and Faith

  • Berger, Kathleen. The Developing Person through the Life Span. Macmillan Learning. Any edition.
  • Fowler, James W. 1981. Stages of Faith: The Psychology of Human Development and the Quest for Meaning. HarperSanFrancisco. JABL

Additional course materials will be provided via Populi.

MDT301: Introduction to Tibetan Buddhist Meditation

  • Newland, Guy. 1999. Appearance and Reality: The Two Truths in Four Buddhist Systems. Snow Lion. JABL
  • Tashi Tsering, and Gordon McDougall. 2009. Emptiness. Wisdom Publications. JABL
  • Tashi Tsering, and Gordon McDougall. 2008. Relative Truth, Ultimate Truth. Wisdom Publications. JABL
  • Bstan-ʼdzin-rgya-mtsho, Dalai Lama XIV, and Thubten Chodron. 2019. Following in the Buddha’s Footsteps. Wisdom Publications. JABL

MDT303: Techniques of Meditation: Madhyamaka

  • Coming soon~ 

PHL301: Introduction to Buddhist Thought

  • Newland, Guy. 1999. Appearance and Reality: The Two Truths in Four Buddhist Systems. Snow Lion. JABL
  • Tashi Tsering, and Gordon McDougall. 2009. Emptiness. Wisdom Publications. JABL
  • Tashi Tsering, and Gordon McDougall. 2008. Relative Truth, Ultimate Truth. Wisdom Publications. JABL

PHL303: Madhyamaka Philosophy: Where is the Middle Way?

  • Jampa Tegchok. 2012. Insight into Emptiness. Wisdom Publications. JABL

THL320: Contemporary Buddhist Thought & Theology

  • Jackson, Roger R., and John J Makransky. 2000. Buddhist Theology : Critical Reflections by Contemporary Buddhist Scholars. Routledge Curzon. JABL

THL370: Seminar in Buddhist Ministry, Practical/Pastoral Theology, and Spiritual Care: Spiritual Reflection and Meaning

  • Derris, Karen. 2021. Storied Companions: Cancer, Trauma, and Discovering Guides for Living in Buddhist Narratives. Wisdom Publications. WorldCat

Additional course materials will be provided via Populi.

TIB201: Classical Tibetan Language Intermediate I

  • Hackett, Paul G. 2018. Learning Classical Tibetan: A Reader for Translating Buddhist Texts. Snow Lion. JABL
  • Wilson, Joe. 1998. Translating Buddhism from Tibetan. Snow Lion. JABL

TIB301: Seminar in Tibetan Translation

All course materials will be provided via Populi.