General Building Information

The Maitripa College entrance is located on SE 11th Avenue. Please enter the building through this entrance and avoid entering through the Market Street side of the building. Maitripa students are expected to respect Maitripa Tara School and should not enter at any time without invitation.

We ask that students be punctual to classes. If you are late and the doors are already closed, this is an indication that class has already begun. Please do not ring the FPMT IOF doorbell. On weekdays when we have classes, students must exit the building by 10:00 PM at the latest. The alarm system will arm itself after this time.

As an urban campus, we encourage students to protect the security of their belongings by keeping personal items with them while on campus and not leaving bags outside of their classroom (the Jokhang in the case of meditation class) while class is in session.

The restroom lights come on and off automatically.  Please wait a few seconds for lights to come on as turning them on manually will prevent the automatic system from working properly.

Maitripa Environmental Policy

In recognition of our interdependent existence and with the wish to benefit sentient beings, Maitripa College has adopted the following plan to help us become more environmentally sustainable.


Maitripa College is located in the building shared with the FPMT International Office, which has been renovated with the following resource conservation measures for environmental stewardship:

  • The exterior walls have been thickened for extra insulation
  • The roof is super-insulated to conserve energy
  • Some windows have been replaced with thermopane windows, and gradually all windows will be replaced in this way
  • The elevator is turned off unless needed
  • The toilets are pressurized in order to use as little water as possible while complying with commercial standards
  • Office thermostats are set to reasonable levels, and are set in a way that reduces heating and cooling when the building is not being used
  • Bike racks were installed outside the building to encourage staff and students to travel in this manner

Energy and Lighting

  • Appliances are regularly maintained in order to keep them working at maximum efficiency
  • The goal is to use electricity supplied by renewal resources and to have regular energy audits to see how we can improve our energy consumption
  •  98% of light fixtures use high-efficiency bulbs and this will eventually be 100%
  • The restrooms use motion sensors that automatically shut off lights when they are not needed
  • All lights are turned off when leaving the building in the evening (with the exception of lights identified for security purposes), and natural light is utilized as much as possible
  • Computers are generally turned off at night to conserve energy

Recycling and Kitchen Usage

  • Maitripa ensures that as much recycling as possible is done, and there are clearly marked and accessible recycling bins in the kitchen and student commons
  • Used toner and ink cartridges are recycled
  • Reusable dishes, silverware, and glasses are used in the kitchen except for large events when this is not possible
  • No toxic cleaning products are used
  • Filtered drinking water is made available to reduce plastic bottled-water waste

Facilities: Specific Information for Students

Administrative Offices

Maitripa’s administrative offices are open Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm. Please call ahead to schedule an appointment with a staff member to ensure that they are available for your needs.

Course Materials

Students are responsible for purchasing their own course materials for each semester. Maitripa College does not have a bookstore. In certain cases, professors may make available readers for courses that will be available from the Maitripa College administrative office for a nominal fee.  Students are encouraged to check the “current students” section of the website for book lists for courses prior to the semester. Copies of all texts are available in the library on Reserves and/or for check out.

Public Programs

Maitripa College offers public programs such as weekly teachings and group meditation, monthly pujas and holiday observance, weekend workshops, short courses, continuing education, conferences, retreats, and pilgrimages that are open to the general community as well as the student body. Public program events are taught by invited guests as well as faculty members. Students are invited and encouraged to attend public program events whenever possible.

Jokhang Meditation Hall

The Jokhang meditation hall at Maitripa College hosts traditional Tibetan Buddhist religious teachings, rituals and prayers, and visiting lamas. It was given its name by Maitripa College’s president and primary teacher, Yangsi Rinpoche, after the famed temple in Lhasa, Tibet. In the spirit of generosity, all Jokhang programs are offered to the public free of charge, although participants are invited to offer donations as an expression of support. The Jokhang strives to operate in a spirit of openness and community, and everyone is welcome to come at any time for any activity in the meditation hall, regardless of religious affiliation.

The mission of the Jokhang meditation hall at Maitripa College is to offer traditional Tibetan Buddhist religious teachings to our graduate students, the local community and the public at large, to create an environment in which group spiritual practice may be developed and sustained, and to offer a forum in which to foster the spirit of community and friendship among all.

Student Commons

The student commons is open and available for student use before and after program classes, public teachings, and special events. Students may also organize study groups to meet in the student commons at a specified time—please call the office to make arrangements with a staff member. A student who wishes to use the student commons at other times must ring the doorbell for a staff member.


Maitripa College does not offer on-campus housing at this time. Students may post announcements on the Student Commons bulletin board, and on the student-only email group; neither of which constitute official College communications or endorsements and must be used at the students’ risk.


Street parking is available on SE Market and on SE 11th St. and neighboring streets.  Please read the street signs and obey them. Parallel parking must face the direction of traffic for that side of the street.

Identification Numbers and Cards

All Maitripa College students will be issued an identification number. Students who participate in Fall Term orientation and have their photo taken will be issued an ID card. Students who missed orientation must contact Student Services about rescheduling for their ID photo.