Maitripa College is committed to keeping our programs accessible to every student who wishes to study here. To that end tuition is a considerably less expensive than comparable, private, graduate programs in the United States. Additionally, we make every effort to consider the financial concerns of each student and to support their progress to graduation through a commitment to flexible payment options and scholarship opportunities.

Tuition will be charged by the credit hour for instruction during an academic semester. No student is obligated to pay for tuition charges for a term that has not commenced if the student withdrew, or for a term that was truncated by cessation of school services.  The tuition and fees for the upcoming academic year reflect a standard, cost of living increase in tuition and the new fee schedule based on increased expenses per student for the upcoming year. Please see descriptions on each of the fee charges below.

Degree Program Students Tuition and Fees

Tuition and Fee Schedule for 2024-2025

Tuition and fees are billed at the time of registration and are due on the first day of class. If you opt-in to a payment plan, the payment plan must be in place and the first payment submitted on the first day of class or a late fee, as detailed below, will be added to your account.

  • Tuition for 2024-2025 Academic Year:  $456/credit

Fee Schedule for 2024-2025

$37 — Technology Fee
$31 — Registration Fee
$25 — Student Services Fee
$21 — Library Fee 
$16 — Building Maintenance

Maitripa College will maintain fees that are fair and uniformly applied to all students. Maitripa College will not change the fee policy during an academic year and will announce possible changes previous to the registration period before the start of a new academic year. All fees are non-refundable.

  • A technology fee is required for each student upon registration. This fee goes towards the cost of the student database.
  • A registration fee is required when a student registers each term. This amount is not applicable to the student’s tuition costs and the fee applies to all students. Re-registering to add courses does not require an additional fee. This fee goes towards costs associated with the Registration process.
  • A library fee is required of all students. This fee goes toward costs associated with technology, circulation, research resources, subscriptions, and acquisitions.
  • A student services fee is required for degree program students. This fee goes toward costs associated with the student handbook, orientation, identification cards, student life gatherings, graduation, and other incidentals.
  • A building fee is required for degree program students. This fee goes toward costs associated with building maintenance, kitchen supplies, and other incidentals.

Annual Estimated Costs For 2024-2025

For full-time, degree-seeking students, please see here the estimated cost of attending Maitripa College during the 2024-2025 academic year, based on eight credits per term and two terms per year:

  • $7,296 Tuition (8 credits per semester)
  • $260 Fees ($130 per semester)
  • $200 Books ($100 per semester)
  • $30,948 Living Expenses ($2,579/month for 12 months)
    • Rent with utilities: $1,561/month
    • Food: $660/month
    • Transport: $158/month
    • Other: $200                                        
    • $2,579 Total MonthlyCosts (via
  • $38,704 Total Estimated Cost of Attendance (12 months, two terms)

Tuition does not include the degree application fee, room, board, books, medical insurance, retreat costs, pilgrimage costs, or any other costs except tuition. Maitripa College reserves the right to adjust tuition costs on a yearly basis at the discretion of the Board of Trustees.

Continuing Education Students Tuition and Fees

  • Tuition for 2024-2025 Academic Year:  $456/credit

Fee Schedule for 2024-2025

$37 — Technology Fee
$21 — Library Fee
$13 — Registration Fee

  • Tuition for Continuing Education students for the 2024-2025 Academic year is $456/credit.
  • Fees for Continuing Education students per semester are $71 as outlined above.
  • Continuing Education students must comply with the same Payment Plan and Refund Schedule structure as defined on this site.

Payment Plans

Students who choose to enroll in a payment plan must be enrolled and submit their first payment on or before the first day of class. Once a payment plan has been agreed upon, students can either submit payment on the due date via check or credit card, or complete an Automatic Withdraw Form. Late fees will automatically be charged to the student account for late tuition payments, as per the below.

Payment Plan Schedule

Students can register for a variety of payment plan options including:

Class time elapsed:                    Amount due

Four equal payments

First day of semester:                25% paid
30th day of semester:                50% paid
60th day of semester:                75% paid
90th day of the semester:       100% paid

Three equal payments

First day of semester:                33% paid
45th day of semester:                66% paid
90th day of the semester:       100% paid

Two equal payments

First day of semester:                50% paid
45th day of semester:              100% paid

By offering more customizable options, we are hoping to meet the needs of our students, while receiving on-time payments for credits earned at Maitripa College. We highly encourage students to complete the Automatic Withdraw Form when signing up for a payment plan. This way you can be confident that you will not accrue additional fees for late payments.

Refund Schedule

After classes begin for a term, a student who drops a course before the end of the add/drop period will receive a full refund. After the end of the add/drop period, a student is eligible for a partial refund through the middle week of the term. Refunds shall be based on unused instructional time and shall be prorated as stated below. Refund rates shall not be differentiated on the criteria of a student’s source of income or loan repayment obligations except as otherwise required by law. In calculating a refund, we will take into account the terms of a student’s tuition scholarship, if any has been awarded.

Week class(es) dropped | Amount of Refund
Week 1-2 | 100% of tuition refunded
Week 3 | 81.25% of tuition refunded
Week 4 | 75% of tuition refunded
Week 5 | 68.75% of tuition refunded
Week 6 | 62.5% of tuition refunded
Week 7 | 56.25 of tuition refunded
Week 8 | 50% of tuition refunded
No refund will be issued after the 8th week of the semester

Service Charge

A service charge of $15 per enrolled credit will be added to an account on the day after tuition is due. Every 30 days that tuition remains outstanding, a $15 service charge per enrolled credit will be added to the account. The service charge will continue to accrue on past due accounts on a monthly basis until the amount is paid in full.

Held Transcripts and Registration for Past Due Accounts

A student will not be able to register for classes for the next semester until their account is balanced. Transcripts will not be released to students with an outstanding account balance.

Tuition Discounts


Graduates of a Maitripa degree program may take classes as a continuing education student at Maitripa College with a 100% tuition reduction, per class, in recognition of the work they’ve already accomplished at Maitripa, as well as the vital role they play in our community. This discount is only available to those who have fully completed all requirements for graduation, including a culminating thesis, exam, or final project.

Students 60+

Maitripa continuing education students who are sixty years or older at the time of registration qualify for a 10% tuition reduction per class.


Partial or full tuition waivers may be available to a limited number of students per year based on employment with FPMT. Please see financial office for details.

Financial Aid

There is currently no state or federal financial aid available to Maitripa College students. Private financial aid may be available from private lenders.