Tuition for Credit Transferred, Attempted, or Earned by
Final Mastery Demonstration, Internship, or Independent Study

Tuition or fees for credit transferred, for credit attempted or earned by examination or portfolio or other irregular credit structure is based on the cost of service to administer such credits. This may be less than the cost of regular instruction, depending on evaluation, participation, supervision, and administration by Maitripa College faculty and registrar. As part of the degree program, students can expect one or more of the following may meet these standards: required demonstration of final mastery project (approved exam, thesis prior to 2020 admission), clinical pastoral education, internship or field education, or independent study course. Tuition and fees are outlined for each, below.

Field Education Placement or Clinical Pastoral Education.

Clinical Pastoral Education

  • One CPE unit is 400 hours and appears on transcripts as six transfer credits.
  • Student application fee and tuition are paid directly to the accredited institution awarding CPE units.
  • Upon completion, CPE evaluation is submitted to Maitripa College
  • A flat fee of $100 is charged for processing transcripts.

CS500 Field Education (3/6 credits)

  • Field Education Placement is a structured internship co-created by the host organization and Maitripa College. Credit is variable.
  • Field placement is supervised by the site supervisor.
  • Fees are dependent on credits earned and faculty/administrative time.

Independent Study Courses

Students may propose Independent Study course to Maitripa College faculty and the Director of Academic Programs. Proposal forms are available from the Registrar. Students can expect review of proposals to consider hours per term of total student effort, instructional contact hours, rigor of learning objectives and assessment tools, and student produced learning artifacts and evaluation criteria, in determining the number of credit hours which may be earned as well as the availability of faculty for instruction and/or supervision.

CS008 Independent Study in Community Service (1-2 credits)

The Independent Study in Community Service is created and supervised by Maitripa College Faculty. They are of two types: instructional and oversight.

  1. Oversight by Maitripa College faculty. Student proposes to participate in an external course or learning activity of scholarly merit with relevance to degree curricula, the learning objectives of which are reviewed, supplemented, and assessed by College faculty. Tuition is charged at a flat fee of $250/per credit; ineligible for scholarship funding.
  2. Instructional Independent Study with Faculty Member. Student(s) propose to study a topic with a faculty member who has expertise in the field and/or capacity to instruct, mentor, and support the pedagogical needs of a student seeking credit for curricula-relevant work for which there is no catalog offering. Tuition is charged at the standard tuition rate per credit.

MDT500 Meditation Retreat (1 credit)

Meditation retreats are developed and supervised by Yangsi Rinpoche and/or Maitripa College faculty. Retreat plans must be developed for learning objectives, mentorship, and assessment methods, and approved prior to retreat with the Director of Academic Programs.

  • Retreats in which the leader is present and guiding sessions is Instructional, and tuition will be charged the standard rate per credit.
  • Retreats in which the student is engaged in solo retreat or at a retreat center with immediate guidance and supervision of non-College retreat leaders, is constructed with College faculty Oversight, and tuition will be charged at a flat fee of $250/per credit; ineligible for scholarship funding.

Final Mastery Degree Requirement

ARP 502/504 Action Research Project (2 credits each)

The total credits for the ARP project is 4, divided over two spring terms.

  • Tuition is charged at the standard rate per credit.

ARP501 Action Research Project Extension

This course is required of MA/MDiv students who have successfully completed all coursework toward their degree with the exception of their final degree requirement. Students must register for ARP501 to maintain residency in their program for each term that their final project is in process toward submission and approval. Students are strongly advised to meet with their academic advisor in regard to staying in compliance with policies on degree completion. Pre-requisite: ARP502/504 Action Research Project.

  • Fee charged at $250 flat fee, audit, no credit.

PHL500 MA Exam/Thesis (4 credits)

Final mastery for the master’s degree is demonstrated through one of the following two options:

Completion of a Master’s Thesis – Students propose, frame, and present drafts of the thesis in consultation with the thesis advisor in the months preceding the final defense.

  • Tuition is charged at the standard rate per credit.

Passing a Final, Comprehensive Exam

  • Tuition is charged at a flat fee of $250/credit.

PHL501 MA Exam extension

This course is required of MA students who have successfully completed all coursework toward their degree with the exception of their final degree requirement. Students must register for PHL501 to maintain residency in their program for each term that their thesis is in process toward final submission and approval, or until the comprehensive exam is taken.

  • Fee charged at $100 flat fee, audit, no credit

THL500 MDiv Final Comprehensive Paper (4 credits) or
THL502 MDiv Final Comprehensive Paper/Project (2 credits, repeated)

Students who matriculated into the MDiv prior to Fall 2020 may complete their degrees through the Final Comprehensive Paper options, or the ARP, as they wish.

Students matriculating after August 2020 will be expected to complete an Action Research Project (see above). Permission to complete a paper in lieu of an ARP will be granted under special circumstances in with permission by the advisor and discretion of the Dean of Education.

  • Tuition is charged at a flat fee of $250/credit.

THL501 MDiv Comprehensive paper extension

This course is required of MDiv students who have successfully completed all coursework toward their degree with the exception of their final degree requirement. Students must register for THL501 to maintain residency in their program for each term that their final paper is in process toward submission and approval.

  • Fee charged at $250 flat fee, audit, no credit.