Class Attendance

Class attendance is mandatory. Timeliness is expected for all classes at all times.  Faculty members may stipulate their own attendance policies on their course syllabi. In lieu of a faculty attendance policy, the College attendance policy understands emergencies and personal concerns, and therefore grants two excused absences per class per term. Students should communicate with their teachers directly in regard to attendance issues.

Absence from class and/or repeated tardiness is disruptive to the learning environment and can negatively impact a student’s grade.

Excused absences during the semester may be permitted in the event of an emergency (medical, family or personal).  Sufficient notice to the faculty member may be required in order to establish alternative arrangements for makeup work, including due dates for assignments and gathering required course materials. Unexcused absences may be considered in the calculation of grades and can result in course failure.

Absences on exam dates require a physician’s note or other authoritative form of documentation to be considered an excused absence. Failure to provide documentation may result in failure of the examination or relevant coursework. Multiple absences of a class may warrant review of documentation attesting to the effect of an illness or other condition upon attendance and/or academic performance.  

Hybrid Attendance Policy

For all 2024-2025 Academic Year courses offered in person, synchronous, online attendance is available for auditors, and hybrid options are available as needed for degree program and continuing education students after the first four weeks.

  • In-person attendance during the first four weeks of each term is required of all degree program and continuing education students.
  • Hybrid attendance after that time will be decided on a case-by-case basis.
  • Exceptions and allowances may be granted for off-site attendance as needed.

Accommodations to in-person attendance for degree program and continuing education students must be made in advance and approved by an academic advisor and course faculty. Please contact your advisor, faculty, or the course TA to request accommodations.

In order to complete a degree from Maitripa College or earn credit and receive a grade as a continuing education student, it is necessary to be in Oregon and attend classes in person. 

Class Withdraw and Incomplete

Students are responsible for consulting the Academic Calendar online and in email notifications from administrators for each semester’s drop/add period and closing date, approximately the tenth day of the semester.  After drop/add, if a student chooses to terminate enrollment in a course, it is considered a withdrawal. Maitripa College requires that a student who wishes to withdraw from a course complete the Course Withdrawal Form available from the Registrar. This form will prompt students to inform their professor, advisor and registrar of the withdrawal. The registrar will post a “W” on the transcript. No credits or grades will be awarded for partial work completed as part of the course. A grade of “W” can be replaced by re-taking the course at a future time.

Unlike a withdrawal, an incomplete, “I”, is a temporary grade given to a student who is enrolled in a course but is unable to complete the work by the specified deadlines for some extenuating circumstance. An Incomplete Form or written communication between student and faculty must be signed by the instructor and submitted to the Registrar on or before the last day of the class. An incomplete grade may be given, at the discretion of the instructor, provided the work for the course will be completed within an agreed upon time frame. If the work is completed in the time stipulated, the “I” is replaced with the earned grade and credit for the course is granted. If the work is not completed in the agreed upon time frame, the instructor will issue a grade that is commensurate with the work completed, no more than one year from the course end date.

Program Leave of Absence

A program leave of absence is a plan to leave the college with a specific, pre-approved return term, issued no later than the end of the drop/add period for the term in which the leave commences. A leave of absence may be approved for one semester or year. Students may be eligible for up to two years of leave, cumulatively. An approved leave of absence does not change the degree completion time limit. A Leave of Absence Form request must be signed by the Academic Advisor and the Program Director or Dean and submitted to the Registrar. For discontinuing enrollment after this date, see program withdrawal or course withdrawal policies.

Program Withdrawals

Discontinuing enrollment in a degree program without an approved Leave of Absence, before or during a semester, constitutes withdraw from the degree program. If a student chooses to withdraw from a degree program. they must submit a Program Withdraw Form signed by the Academic Advisor and the Program Director or Dean and submitted to the Registrar. The tuition and fees owed/refunded will be commensurate with the Tuition Schedule and Refund Policy. 

Satisfactory Academic Progress

Academic Advisors along with the Dean and Program Director, will review students’ records annually to ensure that satisfactory progress is being made, and program requirements are being met in a timely manner. Satisfactory progress for full-time degree students is defined as completing a minimum of 14 credits per year (seven credits per semester) with a GPA of C+ or above in all courses. Part time degree students are expected to demonstrate commitment to degree progression. Any student whose GPA falls below 3.0 at any time in the program will be placed on academic probation. If the student’s GPA does not rise above 3.0 in the next semester of completed coursework, the student will be dismissed from the program. 


There are several academic reasons for which a student may be separated from a degree program. The first is a student’s GPA falls below a 3.0 for two consecutive semesters (see Satisfactory Academic Progress for details). In the second instance, a student may be separated for making unsatisfactory progress toward the degree completion. Finally, if a student does not re-enroll after their approved Leave of Absence, they will automatically be separated from the degree program.

Please note: Students may be placed on probation or separated from the degree program due to failure to remain in good standing according to the College’s disciplinary and financial policies.

Readmission to Graduate Degree Standing

Following academic separation or a requested withdraw, consideration for readmission to the degree program within Maitripa College may be requested by filing a Re-admission Request Form to the Director of Student Services. In the case of separation for unsatisfactory academic progress, a student must complete a minimum of seven credits as a continuing education (non-degree seeking) student, while maintaining a semester GPA of 3.0.

Credit Earned

At Maitripa College, one unit of academic credit is earned through 15 hours of in-class time and approximately 32 hours of student work outside of class, for a total of approximately 45- 48 hours per credit earned. This is in accordance with the ratio as provided by the State of Oregon. “Work outside of class” consists of coursework reading, reflection papers, research, meditation training, and writing of research papers, depending on the class. Volunteer hours for service learning courses are an additional requirement and vary depending on the class.


Out of state, non-degree students are welcome to enroll as auditors.

  • Synchronous attendance is required as an auditor.
  • Registering for a class and not attending will be grounds for revoking audit permission, and a W will appear on the transcript.
  • Students will be responsible for supporting the general classroom learning culture and should ask questions and offer insight that contributes to the group’s learning process.
  • Participating auditors will receive feedback and grades on individual assignments but will not receive a final course grade or credit.

Alumni are welcome to enroll as auditors with Alumni Scholarship to cover 100% of tuition. Courses will appear on one’s transcript as AUD.

Degree Program and Continuing Education students are not permitted to enroll as auditors at Maitripa College.