Academic Advising

Academic advisement is a process by which Maitripa College helps each enrolled student realize his or her potential, and acts as a support for that student’s academic and personal growth. Maitripa College degree students will be assigned an academic advisor. Academic advisor’s activities may include but are not limited to the following:

  • Provide recommendations for course sequence and choice of electives to complete the degree program
  • Provide information about general education and graduation requirements
  • Provide support for general adjustments to Maitripa College and/or graduate school
  • Provide assistance in seeking doctorate education outside of Maitripa College
  • Provide information about career options and the value of a particular degree or concentration of study
  • Provide assistance with registration and course scheduling or referrals to administrators who can provide such assistance
  • Provide help with study habits, learning techniques, and research and writing skills
  • Provide guidance with Final Project, Thesis or Exam preparation

Responsibilities of Maitripa College

  • The responsibility of ensuring the availability of academic advisement rests with the program director
  • Student advisement (e.g. meeting individually with students to provide information about course requirements and student progress, working with students on independent projects of student and faculty interest, etc.) is part of the regular workload of every full-time faculty member, and may be delegated to part-time faculty as well
  • Faculty and instructors are required to offer access to students for advising related to progression in courses they are teaching
  • The Director of Programs and Director of Student Services shall provide periodic updated information on academic policies and procedures including, but not limited to, rules and policies, graduation requirements, petition processes, and grading policies to academic advisors
  • Maitripa College shall provide students with timely notice of academic probation status
  • Maitripa College administration shall provide students with the documents and forms necessary for administrative record keeping, including academic status changes, transfers, etc.
  • Maitripa College shall provide international students advising with a Student and Exchange Visitor Program’s Primary Designated Student Official (SEVP DSO) at Maitripa
  • Maitripa College shall provide program information in a clear, succinct, and easily understandable manner, such as through a brochure, website, a Course Catalog, and/or a checklist of major/degree requirements

Responsibilities of Students

  • Students must familiarize themselves with Maitripa College requirements
  • Students agree to conduct themselves in accordance with the Rules of Ethical Conduct
  • Students must bring current information regarding progress toward degree completion to meetings with their advisor
  • All students should meet with an advisor on a regular basis once an advisor is assigned, at least once per semester
  • Making and keeping appointments to see advisors is the responsibility of the students

Academic Year

The academic year at Maitripa is based primarily on two semester terms, fifteen or sixteen weeks in duration. Spring term begins in late January and ends in late May/early June. Fall term begins in late August/early September and ends in mid to late December. The regular term may include Saturday classes. Summer term courses may be offered for course credit toward degree requirements.

Academic Evaluations

Students are evaluated regularly by a committee of faculty and academic staff, based on the grades they have received for the semester(s) they have completed. Students may be matriculated, passed on, or placed on probation based on their performance.

Academic Standards

Students are held to the highest possible level of academic standards. Classes at Maitripa are taught at a graduate level, and students are expected to fulfill all requirements for all classes without exception to continue toward graduation. No student may receive credit for a course in which the grade received was C+ or lower, and students must maintain GPAs of 3.0 or higher. Students have the option to re-take a course in which they receive a C+ or lower but will only receive credit once.

Advanced Standing

Maitripa College does not accept credit for advanced standing at this time.