(2 credits)  Spiritual Care, or offering the arts of ministry and chaplaincy in the midst of others’ suffering, is now being done by Buddhists in a variety of secular and multi-faith contexts. Through multiple roles, institutional settings, and activities, they are integrating Buddhist religious education, personal spiritual formation, and ministerial agility into their vocation outside of Buddhist communities. This work is informed by, at times in tension with, and also beginning to influence Chaplaincy models of care. This course aims first to understand the history of chaplaincy, what chaplains actually do, chaplaincy specializations, and the paths (educational, personal, religious, and clinical) to professional chaplaincy. The course will then explore innovations and current research in the field of chaplaincy, and prepare students to apply for Clinical Pastoral Education (CPE) residencies. The emergence nationally of various forms of Buddhist ministry and chaplaincy will be situated in relation to this context. Ethical codes, standards of practice, and chaplaincy competencies will be explored towards the formulation and articulation of one’s own Buddhist theology of spiritual care. Students will broaden their base of compassion and strengthen internal resources through theological reflection on how they may wish to embody arts of Buddhist spiritual care. This is the third course in the service pillar at Maitripa College and includes a concurrent service project.