Degree Conferral, Diplomas, and Transcripts

A degree is a credential. There are two documents that provide evidence of that credential: an official transcript and a diploma. Both are available to students who have completed all of their degree requirements and have had their degrees conferred.

Degree conferral is the official process used to grant a degree. Upon the student’s completion of degree requirements and submission of the Application to Receive a Degree, the registrar works with the student’s advisor to ensure that all degree requirements have been met. If all requirements have been met, the registrar posts the degree to the official transcript.

The degree conferral date is the date that will appear on transcripts and on diplomas. Maitripa College has three degree conferral dates per year, one each term.

  • Spring: date of commencement ceremony
  • Summer: last day of summer term
  • Fall: last day of fall term

During the selected term students apply for conferral, they must be enrolled in or auditing at least one course. By the end of the selected term, all requirements must be complete.

Diplomas and official transcripts are available to students once all financial obligations to Maitripa College are met.

Commencement Ceremony

Maitripa College honors degree recipients with an annual commencement ceremony each May. Although there are three conferral dates per year, there is only one commencement ceremony.

Students may participate in the May commencement ceremony if they have had their degree conferred in the preceding summer or fall terms or if they expect to complete their degree in May and have met all of their degree requirements.

Once per year the registrar orders the diplomas for all students who earned a degree in any of the preceding three terms.

Note: Neither participation in the commencement ceremony, nor having one’s name printed in the commencement bulletin is confirmation that a degree has been conferred.