Research at Maitripa College is subsumed into two areas:

1. Evidence of Student Learning, which can be understood through exploring Assessment and Evaluation at Maitripa College. Such a process serves to reinforce our program accountability and planning for internal and external stakeholders alike.

2. The Creation and Documentation of New Knowledge is an exciting area of development at Maitripa College. Our faculty and students are breaking new ground in their understanding, integrating, and articulation of places where the tradition of Tibetan Buddhism meets the modern west.  Some Examples of the Creation of New Knowledge at Maitripa College include:


Suffering is Not an Emergency….and, It Matters to End It: Some Outcomes of Training Tibetan Buddhist Scholar-Practitioners for Professional Spiritual Care. Leigh Miller in Refuge in the Storm: Buddhist Voices in Crisis Care. (North Atlantic Books  forthcoming 2023)

A Path to Buddhist Chaplaincy: Academic Education, Religious Endorsement, Professional Board Certification. Leigh Miller, in Refuge in the Storm: Buddhist Voices in Crisis Care. (North Atlantic Books  forthcoming 2023)

Making Hope Possible: The Radical Dream of Maitripa College. Namdrol Miranda Adams in Radically Dreaming: Illuminating Freirean Praxis in Turbulent Times. (DIO Press, New York  2022)

The Long-Haul: Buddhist Educational Strategies to Strengthen Students’ Resilience for Lifelong Personal Transformation and Positive Community Change. Namdrol Miranda Adams in Metropolitan Universities Journal, 31 (3), p.140-162. (  2021)

Now I Can See the Moon: Contemplative Pedagogy Informed by Western Influences in Teaching and Learning in 21st Century America. Namdrol Miranda Adams in The Wabash Center Journal on Teaching, 2 (1).  (  2021)

Words Like Gold. Yangsi Rinpoche in Buddhism in Dialogue with Contemporary Societies. (Waxmann, Germany 2021)

Professional Endorsement for Buddhist Chaplains. Leigh Miller in Naropa University Magazine. (2018)


Do You Hear What I Hear? An Exploration of the Epistemology of Oral Transmission in Tibetan Buddhist Contemplative Practice. Namdrol Miranda Adams Presented on the Contemplative Studies Unit, American Academy of Religion (2021)

Do No Harm and Make the Invisible, Visible: Teaching Race and Racism from a Buddhist Perspective. Namdrol Miranda Adams Presented on the Buddhist Pedagogy Unit, American Academy of Religion (2021)

Buddhist Chaplaincy and ‘Difference’. Leigh Miller Presented on the Innovations in Chaplaincy and Spiritual Care Unit, American Academy of Religion (2021)

Education as Freedom, Love, and Praxis: Paulo Freire and Contemplative Studies in 21st Century American Higher Education. Namdrol Miranda Adams Presented on the Contemplative Studies Panel, American Academy of Religion (2020)

A Pedagogy of Kindness: Scholarship, Meditation, and Service at Maitripa College. Leigh Miller Presented at the Western Region Meeting of the American Academy of Religion (2018)

Other Conferences, Presentations, and Affiliations

  • American Educational Research Association
  • Association for Contemplative Mind in Higher Education (ACMHE)
  • Association of Asian Studies
  • Buddhist Ministry Working Group
  • Chaplaincy Innovation Lab
  • International Association of Tibetan Studies
  • Himalayan Studies Conference
  • International Association of Buddhist Studies
  • International Association for Research on Service-Learning/Community Engagement (IARSLCE)
  • Theological Education Committee of the American Academy of Religion